Picking the Right Heating System
When you're facing the tough choices in renovating, building or buying a new home one thing that always comes up is deciding what heating system to install or making the choice to replace the current system that is in place to heat your home effectively and efficiently. You will likely narrow your choices down to an electric heat pump, a boiler or a traditional furnace. Heat pumps work in the same system as your air conditioning in the summer but reverses to provide heat in the winter months for your home. These systems are some of the most energy-efficient out of all of the electric heating system options and will have comparable operating costs to gas furnaces. If you are considering a heat pump for your home make sure to look for high seasonal efficiency systems (HSPF) as the higher the HSPF rating the lower your costs for heating will be throughout the year. Gas, propane or oil furnaces are also an option when selecting a heating system for your home or business. Furn...