Spring Cleaning: Your A/C

A dirty A/C can result in poor air quality.

Regular cleaning of your air conditioner is crucial to its health. Of course, a thorough cleaning requires time and dedication: It could take 6+ hours to restore your A/C to all its glory, especially if it's been a while since the last checkup. If you are unable to allow for the recommended time, you should call an experienced HVAC repair crew. But, if you're willing to take on the task yourself, here are some tips: 

While you clean, turn off your air conditioner. 
This is a general rule for laptops and other electronic devices, so why not follow the same advice regarding an A/C unit that harnesses almost 5x as much energy? While cleaning, especially with any liquid, it's best to not chance an electrical hazard. Also consider that you may apply pressure while cleaning, which could result in pressure on the A/C chord. When in doubt, be safe, and switch it off. 

Replace dirty indoor A/C filters. 
When dust collects on the outside of your A/C vents, it's also collecting on the inside of your unit. If it's ingested in large amounts, it can result in an allergic reaction or bacterial infection. Of course, dust cannot be completely eliminated, but checking your filter every few months can prevent its excess from contaminating the air. 

Don't forget about your outside components.
Your condenser fins are a common site of such dust that can find its way into your system, causing buildup and damage. Cleaning the fins with a vacuum is one of the quickest methods to retract dust that is hard to reach otherwise. 

Of course, if you decide to DIY, yet you run into complications along the way, call Joe Behr Plumbing at 419-884-3278. We service those in Mansfield, Ashland, Lexington, and other nearby areas of Ohio. When you need help and you need it soon, we're here for you. With our experienced team, you'll know that your heating, cooling, and plumbing systems are functioning properly and that you've got a great value!


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